Timestamp Message
15 Aug 2018
22:05:22@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale invited @teadaniel:fabric.pubTeaDaniel.
22:05:30@teadaniel:fabric.pubTeaDaniel joined the room.
23:51:08@lllllll:fabric.publel joined the room.
16 Aug 2018
07:58:24@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale Lexer: if you're awake, https://github.com/FabricLabs/maki/pulls — we'll start at the top
08:08:42@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindaleAlso needs review + merge, but only when tests pass: https://github.com/FabricLabs/idlerpg/pull/6
22:36:04@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale 22dbaa6e09ffb728b79cecf128f4694fe12d5661 is looking great on stats.soundtrack.io

Tried finding it, got this instead.

Error { "message": "Cast to ObjectId failed for value \"22dbaa6e09ffb728b79cecf128f4694fe12d5661\" at path \"_id\"", "name": "CastError", "type": "ObjectId", "value": "22dbaa6e09ffb728b79cecf128f4694fe12d5661", "path": "_id" }

22:38:15@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindaleRedacted or Malformed Event
22:38:34@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale npm install FabricLabs/maki#22dbaa6e09ffb728b79cecf128f4694fe12d5661
22:48:24@colemaibara:verse.imcolemaibaraAh right
18 Aug 2018
undefined '[makifunction bold() { [native code] }' undefined
defining Identity as {"id":{"type":"String","id":true,"max":200},"name":{"type":"String","max":70},"keys":{"type":"Map","ref":"Key"},"created":{"type":"Number","required":true},"updated":{"type":"Number"}}
resulting attributes: { id: { type: [Function: String], id: true, max: 200 },
  name: { type: [Function: String], max: 70 },
  keys: { type: 'Mixed', ref: 'Key' },
  created: { type: [Function: Number], required: true },
  updated: { type: [Function: Number] } }
[INFO] Resource "Identity" using human interfaces: { query: 'maki-identities', get: 'maki-identity' }
defining Person as {"id":{"type":"String","id":true,"max":200},"name":{"type":"String","max":70},"keys":{"type":"Map","ref":"Key"},"created":{"type":"Number","required":true},"updated":{"type":"Number"}}
resulting attributes: { id: { type: [Function: String], id: true, max: 200 },
  name: { type: [Function: String], max: 70 },
  keys: { type: 'Mixed', ref: 'Key' },
  created: { type: [Function: Number], required: true },
  updated: { type: [Function: Number] } }
[INFO] Resource "Person" using human interfaces: { query: 'maki-people', get: 'maki-person' }
defining Channel as {"id":{"type":"String","id":true,"max":200},"name":{"type":"String","max":70},"description":{"type":"String","max":255},"created":{"type":"Number","required":true},"updated":{"type":"Number"}}
resulting attributes: { id: { type: [Function: String], id: true, max: 200 },
  name: { type: [Function: String], max: 70 },
  description: { type: [Function: String], max: 255 },
  created: { type: [Function: Number], required: true },
  updated: { type: [Function: Number] } }
[INFO] Resource "Channel" using human interfaces: { query: 'maki-channels', get: 'maki-channel' }
defining Message as {"author":{"type":"String","ref":"Identity","required":true},"content":{"type":"String","required":true},"created":{"type":"Number","required":true}}
resulting attributes: { author: { type: [Function: String], ref: 'Identity', required: true },
  content: { type: [Function: String], required: true },
  created: { type: [Function: Number], required: true },
  id: { type: [Function: String], required: true, id: true } }
[INFO] Resource "Message" using human interfaces: { query: 'maki-messages', get: 'maki-message' }
defining Key as {"hash":{"type":"String","required":true}}
resulting attributes: { hash: { type: [Function: String], required: true },
  id: { type: [Function: String], required: true, id: true } }
[INFO] Resource "Key" using human interfaces: { query: 'maki-keys', get: 'maki-key' }
undefined 'Maki is now serving content, but no index was defined' 'so it created one for you.'


27 Aug 2018
09:49:48@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale changed their display name from Eric Martindale to @martindale (@eric:ericmartindale.com).
09:51:00@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale changed their display name from @martindale (@eric:ericmartindale.com) to @martindale.
28 Aug 2018
03:37:31@lllllll:fabric.publel changed their display name from Lexer to @alemel.
03:41:01@lllllll:fabric.publel changed their display name from @alemel to lel.
12 Sep 2018
02:30:49@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale invited @chrisinajar:fabric.pub@chrisinajar:fabric.pub.
22:57:24@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale invited @chaoticmarin:verse.imChaoticMarin.
22:57:33@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindale invited @marin:verse.imMarin.
22:57:38@chaoticmarin:verse.imChaoticMarin joined the room.
22:57:43@marin:verse.imMarin joined the room.

@room we're beginning work on the "next" version of Maki, and I'd like to make sure it ships with a self-service guide to building your first app — newcomers of all skill levels should be able to follow a simple set of instructions and have a working app within about 15 minutes (!).

Three years ago, we started with a simple tutorial — which is still included in the latest build, found here: https://next.maki.io/tutorials/getting-started — it, and all of our other content, can be found in the official Maki repository, making it easy to propose changes.

As many of you have experience with Maki, I'd like to spend the next couple weeks polishing and refining our "new user experience" towards the goals I mentioned above. If you're signed in to GitHub, files in the source directory should automatically have "edit" buttons (a little pencil in the top right hand corner) once you navigate to any individual document.

If you're already familiar with the Git flow, by all means jump right in — but if you're still not feeling confident building things with Maki, stop by #mentorships:fabric.pub and mention what you're trying to build and I'll give you a hands-on walkthrough in getting things set up and even all the way to a place where your app is working and available for use.

I like to do this in public, since it helps other learn the process as we go. Looking forward to seeing you there! 🚀

22:59:10Room Avatar Renderer.
22:59:52Room Avatar Renderer.
22:59:58Room Avatar Renderer.
23:00:52Room Avatar Renderer.
14 Sep 2018
08:24:38@eric:ericmartindale.com@martindalechanged room power levels.
17 Sep 2018
22:02:14@eric:fabric.pubericchanged room power levels.
22:02:54@eric:fabric.pubericchanged room power levels.